Visions of Aestia

21 Jan 2005

Total wuss

Filed under: General — Ama @ 11:14 am

I’m still shaking from the relatively small earth quake we had this morning. I’m such a wuss! Not sure why I’m so worked up still - even the slightest rumble sent me into tears for the first year or so after the 6.9 we were in in Seattle, but that was in 2000 or 2001. I wonder if its what you call post traumatic stress disorder? Then again I still wince when I hear a plane flying low….
Anyway when the 5.5 hit this morning I literally fell apart and nearly made John stay home. I’m still convinced there’s going to be a bigger one - the reports say they think small ones ease the pressure and prevent bigger ones, but after the 8 on the 18th I’m wondering if this isn’t a warning.
Not to be crass but hopefully it hits while we’re gone! My darling husband has surprised me (for only the second time in our 10 years together) with a trip to rotorua for our anniversary! YAY!!!

I wish I could write something so touching and beautiful as he did to me, but any effort I make now is going to pale in comparision. Will have to think of something to make up for it! After all, all I had planned for our annivesary was dinner to our favorite resteraunt this weekend!

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