Visions of Aestia

07 Dec 2004

Python and RDF

Filed under: Programming, PlanetRDF — JBowtie @ 10:51 pm

Sparta is a small python library I came across on Planet RDF. Basically it parses RDF into Python objects.

It’s pretty simple, gets the job done and will require very little work to serialize things the way I want to.

The main thing I need is an instances collection for rdf.type and owl.class objects. I would think this a fairly obvious starting point for a lot of application processing - get me all the person instances so I can display them in a contact book, for example.

This should be trivial to implement as a predefined query against the underlying triple store; on a side journey some of the owl relationships, such as subclasses, may need to be addressed.

Finally, mapping an RDF type to a specific, preexisting Python type is a must for decent refactoring of existing code. I need to investigate Sparta a bit more to understand if this is currently possible.

Holding my hand

Filed under: Cecily — JBowtie @ 10:34 pm

In addition to today’s unaided steps, Cecily walked twice while holding my hand. When she was trying to get into the icebox, I took her hand and, surprisingly, led her over to her toybox. She quite happily walked all the way over.

Then we had to do it all over again so Mommy could capture it on camera.

First real step!

Filed under: General — Ama @ 5:30 pm

Cecily took two whole, unaided steps from the chair to the table today! YAY!!!!! Uh… okay thats good enough, lets wait another few months for the walking….

Also, now i’m really nerotic because three people have pointed out she seems to have an inturned eye. Its not horribly pronounced like her daddy’s was (still shows sometimes even now) but it seems to be getting more noticable. Off to the doctor :(

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