Visions of Aestia

30 Dec 2004

Toddler Cecily

Filed under: Cecily — Ama @ 6:19 pm

Well its toddler time! She’s been standing up from sitting without any help, then toddling (now I see why its called that!) to either daddy or me. 3 steps nearly every time if we’re careful and back up far enough!

She also has started to truly adore the swimming pool. We took her on weds, and even though she could only crawl she kept trying to go head first into the deeper end. She didn’t even go into hysterics when she went under each time! :D Her favorite part was trying to walk using a little floater pad, which she did quite well. We also met a 2.5 year old girl who was SUCH a sweetheart. Kept coming to Cecily to give her hugs and help her walk, and Cecily was very affectionate in return. Obviously we have a very social girl on our hands - should have been obvious; until she hit her shy stage she used to let absolutely anyone hold her, and now she gives hugs and kisses to Mommy, Daddy, and now Nanny Betty.

Continuing on Johns last post, she can now point (with little more than “show us your…”) to her hair, eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, and teeth. From what I’ve read thats pretty impressive for a not-quite-12 month old. She’s also repeating just about everything you say (gotta be careful!) by just repeating it once or twice. We gave her a shoe box to play with today; it only took one prompt for her to say box, and she can now point to it without hesitation when asked where it is.

On top of those good things though, she’s beginning to get incredibly whingy. I’m not entirely sure if its our fault (spoiling too much?) or if its just an early start to terrible twos. Even now she’s crying like its the end of the world because she was told no. We’re firm and consistant, so I don’t think its lack of dicipline on our part… but man its annoying.

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