Visions of Aestia

19 Jan 2005

Preventing comment spam

Filed under: General, Programming — JBowtie @ 4:44 pm

It’s nice to see that Google is aware of and doing something about comment spam. I’m definitely upgrading my WordPress installation as soon as this is implemented.

Nearly there:

Filed under: General, Cecily — Ama @ 12:34 pm

Wow, one day she refuses to even stand, the next she’s toddling everywhere! She cant make it across the room without tipping over but she’s getting there :D She even showed off by walking all around when I took her to the after hours clinic after a rather nasty hit to the head resulting in a nasty looking dent (that was monday with the hit, visit yesterday - today she’s fine).

rdf:ID and relative URIs

Filed under: Programming, PlanetRDF — JBowtie @ 11:43 am

One thing which consistently confuses me is the the fact the rdf:about and rdf:resource follow the usual rules for resolving relative URIs, but rdf:ID does not.

Specifically, as Ed Davies points out in his comment to Refactoring to RDF, step 1, a relative rdf:ID is always interpreted as an anchor within the current document.

This means that within the document “”:

“″, being an absolute URI, is handled identically by rdf:ID, rdf:about, and rdf:resource.

The relative URI “customer#12″ is interpreted as “″ by rdf:about and rdf:resource, but as “″ by rdf:ID.

This difference in interpretation of relative URIs extends to cases where xml:base is specified.

The best bet for me, personally, is to either always use rdf:about or to always use absolute URIs.

Comments re-enabled

Filed under: General — JBowtie @ 11:21 am

I’ve added some stronger comment spam tools, and optimistically re-enabled comments. Have fun.

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