Visions of Aestia

17 Feb 2005

gChargen 0.2

Filed under: GNOME, Aestia — JBowtie @ 12:04 am

Well, looks I have met the functionality milestones for alpha release. I need to do some basic sanitation (license files, dependency checking) and I can then unleash this monster on the world.
Unfortunately the data files are a tricky problem due to Open Gaming Content restrictions; some of my test cases include closed content. Meaning nobody will be able to use it for, well, a while. And being able load and save is part of the next milestone.
Maybe I should keep it to myself until 0.4 after all…

Upgrade complete

Filed under: General, PlanetRDF — JBowtie @ 12:00 am

The upgrade went relatively painlessly. I am very happy.

All my posts (including the old ones) now have sane permalinks that appear in the RSS feeds. I will need to regenerate some FOAF information now that the old plugin no longer works, and I will be looking to add the CC licensing info to future posts.

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