Visions of Aestia

01 Jun 2005

Working on 1.0.1

Filed under: PlanetRDF — JBowtie @ 10:55 am

I’ve not been posting for a week because my wife was down with the flu. Now that things are more or less back to normal, I’m looking at porting the latest Redland 1.0.1 release and the associated bindings.

Things are getting much faster; it took me only a short time last night to get things working roughly in parity with the last release I did (helpful that most of my patch from last time was accepted). Of course, I’m a little more ambitious this time and would like to get the BDB storage working - this is the only stumbling block for the Python bindings unit test suite.

I think I have things mostly sorted on that front, but I’m getting a crash when BDB attempts to print out an error message using the logging handler (something is not checking for null). This might be a binding issue; I’m going to trace into it tonight.

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