Visions of Aestia

23 Jun 2005

Converting sparta to use redland

Filed under: PlanetRDF, Python — JBowtie @ 10:42 am

One of the TODO items for Sparta is to make it work with a Redland back end. I hacked one in (very, very messily) some time ago, but since Danny Ayers poked me some time ago I figured I should look at the latest version.

The new version cleans a few things up, and it’s been pretty straightfoward to get things sorted. The way I’ve approached it is far less hackish, and could actually be refactored into a real solution over the next couple of weeks.

Basically, I’ve provided an implementation of TripleStore that wraps a Redland Model and aliased all the classes Sparta was importing - with that I can avoid touching 90% of the remaining code. It works well enough to pass the provided test script and for my other, more nefarious purposes.

Slightly better would be to refactor to allow switching between the implementations; once that is done hopefully Mark will consider a patch to enable both backends.

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