Visions of Aestia

24 Jun 2005

Revamping spellcasters

Filed under: Aestia — JBowtie @ 12:51 pm

Using the new, Blue Rose based magic system requires a fresh approach to making spellcasting classes evoke different feels. I’ve put some work into fixing that.

All spellcasters start off with 2-4 spells at first level, half of which must come from their sphere. They gain more spells by taking the arcane training feat. If bound to a sphere through race or class, they gain full ranks in spells from that sphere. If merely linked, they gain half ranks. If they resonate with a sphere, they’ll gain some sort of as-yet-undetermined boost.

Each caster has a different method of enhancing their spells and a different focus; runecasters are strategic, psions are tactical, mages are versatile, bards are team players, while druids and witches are focused more on supernatural tendencies rather than straightfoward spellcasting.

Combat rules

Filed under: General, Aestia — JBowtie @ 12:28 pm

OK, after much consultation with my players, we’ve tenatively settled on some new combat rules. Some research leads me to believe that they’re roughly equivalent to the new True20 system; I’ll have to see it before I can comment.

To-Hit = BAB + DEX
Defense = 10 + (BAB + DEX + dodge bonuses) + shield bonus
Flat-footed = 10 + shield bonus

Damage = 10 + weapon + STR
Toughness Save = CON + armour bonus

Only one attack per round, and no attacks of opportunity (though you can expend a hero point for an extra attack).
So, attacker rolls to hit; if he connects, the defender saves against damage.

What does this mean for combat flow? It means one lucky hit can put you out of action. It means that in most cases, being wounded means getting the heck out of there instead of going toe-to-toe until you’re dead.

However, it also means that enemies are far more likely to surrender or pull back, it means that hero points will be of immense use during combat, and it encourages people to use caution and tactics. It also means that negotiation and politics become more prominent.

And it also means I get to redesign everything in my campaign setting *again*.

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