Visions of Aestia

28 Sep 2005

Getting in deep

Filed under: GNOME, Programming — JBowtie @ 6:07 pm

Not too long after I upgraded my Ubuntu box to Breezy Badger, I started having issues with applications writing to my DVD+RW drive. Serpentine was the first; it actually told me there was no burner in my machine. Eventually I tracked this to the underlying nautilus-cd-burner library which all my apps except cdrecord had been migrated to.

Over the last couple of days I actually did some deep digging, which resulted in a bug report for the HAL team. As a result, I ended up digging really, really deep - looking at the nautilus cd code, looking at kernel drivers, and eventually looking at the hal code.

This is all low-level C code, which I never really understood very well; the semantics have always been so foreign to me and I absolutely hate macros. I was pleasantly surprised that in all the cases I encountered, the code was actually, well, legible. Things had reasonable names, macro use was kept to a minimum, and I could follow the flow without a huge effort.

The really nice thing is that I was able to use the hald verbose output to locate and diagnose the bug in CVS code; I went from being intimidated by the idea of getting down to that level of detail to actually understanding a great deal about how HAL and the kernel work (at least with respect to CD-ROM drives).

In days gone past I would have been content to wait for my distro to fix a problem like this, rather than do any hacking at the system level. It’s part of the knock-on effect working with open source has on you - eventually, you discover that no part of the system needs to be a black box. If you really want to know how something works, you can find out, with just a little effort.

I mean, I always knew that, it’s just that I would have been passive in the face of all that code before; now, I’m becoming more proactive simply because I can. It’s sort of like having the open-source epiphany all over again.

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