So many words, so little time
Cecily really IS picking up words left and right. Her language is just exploding. She says ‘walk, walk, walk’ when she wants to - you guessed it - walk, and picked up the word “block” and applies it correctly with just one time of naming it. It was a shock when I sat down with her on the floor and she handed me one of her new blocks and told me block.
She shares amazingly well too, especially for a little girl that doesn’t see other kids very often anymore, let alone kids her own age. She gives us stuff often and rarely actually expects it back, though we do give it back when she indicates the desire. She hands things to us constantly, especially stuffed toys, which she makes clear by hugging herself that she wants us to hug the toy. Thank goodness, too, she tends to hand us little bits we’ve missed on the floor, except when its (dried!) cheese.