Visions of Aestia

26 Jul 2005

Using Rosetta

Filed under: General, GNOME — JBowtie @ 3:39 pm

Well, I’m now running the Ubuntu Maori Translators group, and have had my first attempt to use Rosetta for translation purposes.

You can only see ten items at a time. No obvious way to to increase the number you’re working on at once.

There doesn’t seem to be any search facility. It would be really useful, for example, to be able to translate all the variants on “font” at once.

The tool shows other translations of the phrase in question, but you can’t click on the displayed items to determine context (which can be quite important when there are conflicting possibilities).

It would be nice to know which items have been translated upstream vs translated ‘locally’ in Rosetta.

The organization of files is less than obvious. It would be really nice if one could trace the dependencies to figure out which libraries would provide the biggest bang for the buck.

Otherwise I’m happy; it’s really convenient to just do a few items at a time and not have to worry about CVS issues until I’m ready to commit a batch of translations.

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