Visions of Aestia

03 Mar 2006

Scoping a Semantic Wiki

Filed under: PlanetRDF, Python — JBowtie @ 12:15 pm

One of the reasons I’m implementing my own wiki instead of sticking with MediaWiki is that I hate PHP. Another, more valid reason is that I want to experiment with better approaches to dealing with structured information.

I picked Django for my implementation, because most of the code I’m going to integrate (such as sparta) is already in Python. I also think the model closely fits what I want to do.

Here’s some samples to help make it clear what types of things I want to do.

Normal XHTML wiki stuff - for starters, we can just do the normal wiki magic. Some subset of this stuff will also work for other mime types but the focus is on text.

  • /pageName
  • /pageName/+edit
  • /pageName/history

Structured document export formats - It won’t be perfect until we modify the input language, but we can get something quite reasonable in most cases.

  • /pageName/format/odt
  • /pageName/format/DocBook
  • /pageName/format/pdf

RDF - Of course, this is the real motivation. Here we’re dealing with all the abitrary RDF you want to provide. The first one will be an XHTML page displaying the data; the others will be served with more appropriate mime-types.

  • /pageName/metadata
  • /pageName/metadata/rdf
  • /pageName/metadata/n3
  • /pageName/metadata/+edit
  • /pageName/metadata/history

Explicitly supported subsets - This is the kicker. We explicitly provide display and edit support for specific ontologies (especially ones that are easy to implement).

  • /pageName/metadata/foaf/
  • /pageName/metadata/DublinCore/+edit

I’m still ramping up on Django, so I’m still looking at the basic XHTML stuff, but already I have XHTML strict output for straightfoward MediaWiki markup, including tables, and tomorrow I hope to have the full page lifecycle implemented.

I’m also very much cheating by just grabbing some MediaWiki output and using that as the basis for my initial templates; that way I have something familiar-looking to experiment with.

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