Visions of Aestia

11 May 2005

GNOME language differences

Filed under: GNOME, Python — JBowtie @ 4:46 pm

I just read a blog entry by Havok Pennington(Yay, language debates), in which he states that:

1) Red Hat cannot ship Mono.

2) He can’t tell us why.

3) He doesn’t know why.

Well, actually, he said he doesn’t know all the reasons and can’t disclose the ones he does know about.

So, I’m going to pipe up with “A pox on both your houses”. Every distro ships Python, it’s cross-platform, first-rate, and every important library I know of has Python bindings.

So what’s the problem? It could use a little more documentation, sure, but that would happen if it was promoted. We’d be rid of the C#/Java wars for now and can always revisit that when things on that front have stablized.

Looking at Ubuntu, it’s clear that a ton of GNOME work is being done in Python already and it looks like it is accelerating. Your C#/Java folks can port things pretty easily (often in fewer lines!) and your C folks can put Python or SWIG wrappers around their code. Everyone wins.

End rant.

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