Redland Windows release 1.0.0
OK, so I’ve finally managed to get rasqal to compile correctly in release mode; turned out just to be the .csproj file which I was able to fix up by hand. I also fixed the issue with SPARQL compilation and turned on support for it.
I’ve sent in patches to redland-dev with all my changes; over the weekend I’ll work on putting together proper development packages (includes, libs, and so forth).
The binary Windows releases are up: (1.3M; Redland DLLs only) (1.4M; Windows installer for Python bindings)
The MD5 checksums are:
afda97c1f65e93bd196a6f3acd8b8425 redland-bindings-
PGP Signatures are available at:
Signed by:
John C Barstow (Redland Win32 port signing key) [1024D/548D7543] with fingerprint: 369C 9E25 4FDB 55AC 6D62 70F4 D33D B3F6 548D 7543