Visions of Aestia

25 May 2005

Problems solved

Filed under: PlanetRDF — JBowtie @ 12:38 am

I’ve been able to finally solve my two blocking problems and push out some new Windows binaries for Redland.

The MySQL buffer overflow was being caused by the sprintf format string - Windows doesn’t understand %llu, so I had to replace that with an %I64u format code. This fixed the problem, but I need to figure out a long-term fix (probably something nasty involving preprocessor macros). I also picked up on a little bug - the storage name was being escaped, but the unescaped string was being passed to sprintf. Oops. Easy fix, part of the next patch.

The null serializers turned out to be a little change in the #defines; as a result all the serializers (and most of the parsers) were disabled. Adding the appropriate definitions fixed this.

2 Responses to “Problems solved”

  1. Morten Frederiksen Says:

    Good catch on the unescaped model name being used in the actual query.

    Looking forward to the patch. :)

  2. Perry Lorier Says:

    The “c99″ way of doing portable 64bit types is to use “inttypes.h”, uint64_t and printf(”%-6″ PRIu64,var); the PRIu64 uses strong concatenation to get the wrong thing.

    Unfortunately I don’t believe windows supports this, so you end up with
    #ifdef WIN32
    typedef u_int32_t uint32_t;
    #define PRIu64 “I64u”

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